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Tables with Dynamic Data


There are still some bugs with this feature. For more details, please refer to the related issue on GitHub.

We are working to resolve these issues.

If you encounter any issues, please let us know. Your contributions greatly contribute to the development of pdfme. Contributions for bug fixes are highly welcome. Please collaborate with us to resolve these issues.

Preview of Dynamic Tables

The table schema has been added in beta since V4.
This schema allows you to add tables to PDFs and dynamically modify the table data.

Using the Table Schema

The table schema is included in the @pdfme/schemas package and is exported as tableBeta.
You can add the table schema as a plugin to @pdfme/ui and @pdfme/generator using the code below.

To support page breaks, ensure to set the basePdf property in the template to { width: number, height: number, padding: [number,number,number,number] }.

import { tableBeta } from '@pdfme/schemas';
import { Designer } from '@pdfme/ui';
import { generate } from '@pdfme/generator';

new Designer({
plugins: { Table: tableBeta },

plugins: { Table: tableBeta },

Adding a table in the Designer will create a template like the following:

"schemas": [
"mytable": {
"type": "table",
"icon": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" class=\"lucide lucide-table\"><path d=\"M12 3v18\"/><rect width=\"18\" height=\"18\" x=\"3\" y=\"3\" rx=\"2\"/><path d=\"M3 9h18\"/><path d=\"M3 15h18\"/></svg>",
"position": {"x": 28.706846058368317,"y": 37.85750960310253},
"width": 150,
"height": 57.5184,
"content": "[[\"Alice\",\"New York\",\"Alice is a freelance web designer and developer\"],[\"Bob\",\"Paris\",\"Bob is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer\"]]",
"showHead": true,
"head": ["Name","City","Description"],
"headWidthPercentages": [30,30,40],
"tableStyles": {"borderWidth": 0.3,"borderColor": "#000000"},
"headStyles": {
"fontName": "NotoSerifJP-Regular",
"fontSize": 13,
"characterSpacing": 0,
"alignment": "left",
"verticalAlignment": "middle",
"lineHeight": 1,
"fontColor": "#ffffff",
"borderColor": "",
"backgroundColor": "#2980ba",
"borderWidth": {"top": 0,"right": 0,"bottom": 0,"left": 0},
"padding": {"top": 5,"right": 5,"bottom": 5,"left": 5}
"bodyStyles": {
"fontName": "NotoSerifJP-Regular",
"fontSize": 13,
"characterSpacing": 0,
"alignment": "left",
"verticalAlignment": "middle",
"lineHeight": 1,
"fontColor": "#000000",
"borderColor": "#888888",
"backgroundColor": "",
"alternateBackgroundColor": "#f5f5f5",
"borderWidth": {"top": 0.1,"right": 0.1,"bottom": 0.1,"left": 0.1},
"padding": {"top": 5,"right": 5,"bottom": 5,"left": 5}
"columnStyles": {}
"basePdf": { "width": 210, "height": 297, "padding": [10,10,10,10] }

You can configure the generator's input for the above template like this:

"mytable": [
"New York",
"Alice is a freelance web designer and developer"
"Bob is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer"

The input can be either a 2D array or a stringified 2D array.

By changing the input data in the generator, you can dynamically modify the table's content.

"mytable": [
"New York",
"Alice is a freelance web designer and developer"
"Bob is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer"
"Charlie is a freelance photographer"

Table with 3 rows

If the input data spans multiple pages, automatic page breaks will be inserted.

Table with page breaks

Sample Using Table Schema

You can check out a sample using the table schema at

Table schema Playground

Set the Template Preset to Invoice and explore the sample using the Table schema.

The source code for this playground is available here.


There are still some bugs with this feature. For more details, please refer to the related issue on GitHub.

We are working to resolve these issues.

If you encounter any issues, please let us know. Your contributions greatly contribute to the development of pdfme. Contributions for bug fixes are highly welcome. Please collaborate with us to resolve these issues.


If you have feedback or suggestions regarding the use of the table schema, please let us know via GitHub issues or Discord.
Your feedback contributes significantly to the development of pdfme.